Filaggrin loss-of-function mutations 2282del4, R501X, R2447X and S3247X in atopic dermatitis


Verbenko DA1ORCID,Karamova AE1ORCID,Chickin VV1,Kozlova IV1,Aulova KM1ORCID,Kubanov AA1ORCID,Gorodnichev PV1


1. State Research Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a widespread multifactorial genetically determined inflammatory skin disease caused by, among other causes, impaired functions of the epidermal barrier. Loss-of-function mutations of the filaggrin gene (important component of the natural moisturizing factor system) that arrest production of the full-fledged precursor protein are associated with AD. This work investigated the frequency of the 2282delACTG (rs558269137), R501X (rs61816761), S3247X (rs150597413), R2447X (rs138726443) loss-of-function mutations of the filaggrin gene in adult European patients with moderate to severe AD. The study involved 99 adult patients of both sexes aged 18-68 years. The mutations were identified with the help of the purpose-developed method of multiplex analysis of four single nucleotide polymorphisms that relies on the SNaPshot technique (minisequencing). The incidence of loss-of-function mutation of filaggrin 2282delACTG was 5.3%, that of R501X - 0.5%, R2447X - 1%. No S3247X mutation was detected in the sample. Collation of the results with Russian and European samples revealed a comparable level of the analyzed filaggrin gene mutations in adult patients with AD from different regions of the Russian Federation.


Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

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