Nishimura Akira,Nakasone Toru,Hiramatsu Chikara,Tanahashi Manabu
Based on sedimenlological and micropaleontological work on three sediment
cores collected at about 167° Ε in the western Ross Sea, Antarctica, and
accelerator mass spectrometer l4C ages of organic carbon, we
have reconstructed environmental changes in the area during the late Quaternary.
Since 38 ka BP at latest, this area was a marine environment with low
productivity. A grounded ice sheet advanced and loaded the sediments before about
30-25 ka BP. After 25 ka BP, the southernmost site (76°46'S) was covered by
floating ice (shelf ice), preventing deposition of coarse terrigenous materials
and maintaining a supply of diatom tests and organic carbon until 20 ka BP. The
northernmost site (74°33'S) was in a marine environment with a moderate
productivity influenced by shelf ice/ice sheet after about 20 ka BP. Since about
10 ka BP, a sedimentary environment similar to the present-day one has prevailed
over this area.
International Glaciological Society
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6 articles.