1. Ankara University School of Medicine
2. Mersin University, Vocational School of Health Sciences, Medical Services and Techniques Department, First and Emergency Aid
3. Bayburt Central Community Health Center, Bayburt, Turkey
Objective: The aim of this study was to research levels of fear, anxiety and depression related with the COVID-19 outbreak and the potential risk factors contributing these facts within the population of Turkey.
Methods: 377 people participated in this study. This study conducted from September to the end of December 2020. An online survey was performed by using the Individual Information Form, The Fear of COVID-19 Scale (7-35 points) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) Scale; HAD-A (0-3 points, ≥10), HAD-D (0-3 points, ≥7).
Results: When Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale are examined, the anxiety scores of 15.9% (> 10, n = 60) and depression scores of 34.2% (> 7, n = 129) of the participants are higher than the cut-off points. HAD-A, HAD-D and COVID-Fear data were positively significantly correlated with each other (p <0.001). In regression analysis, females, those with a relative who has at least one chronic illness, those with mental disorders, and those receiving psychological support were determined as risk factors.
Conclusion: Interrelationships of mental wellbeing, and health status changing at an individual basis must be taken into consideration while evaluating psychological effects of COVID-19.
General Materials Science
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