Equivalent Circuit of Dual-Band Dipole Integrated Antenna for RFID Application


,Mohd Sahar Norsuzlin,Islam Mohammad Tariqul, ,Misran Norbahiah, ,Ariffin Nur Hazliza,


This paper presents dual band antenna by designing basic dipole antenna integrated with C-shaped patches structure for RFID applications. This C-shaped patch is inspired by E-shapes patch antenna that able to perform multiband frequency. The design of the equivalent circuit started with the fundamental circuit of impedance Zo and Z1 which functioned as a dipole antenna in single band. The parallel RLC circuit of impedance Z2 is added in the circuit as loaded patch has affected the resonating frequency. Variations of C1 and L1 on impedance Z1 effect a gap between the two resonance frequencies without changing the bandwidth by shifting the lower frequency. In addition, the variation of C2 and L2 on the impedance Z2 also affects the ratio between the two resonance frequencies but both frequencies are shifted and the bandwidth changes. Consequently, the dual band is presented at 0.915 GHz (UHF RFID) and 2.4 GHz (ISM RFID) by calculating the value of the resistance, inductance and capacitance. The data from electromagnetic simulation are compared with the data predicted by the antenna circuit modeling. The frequency sampled measurement data may be represented in the form of S-parameter in order to represent dependent data in a time domain simulator in P-SPICE software. The C-shaped design can be independently controlled to perform lower band and upper band by adjusting the width and length of the patch. The performance of the proposed antenna demonstrates the dual band antenna for RFID application with good agreements between measured and simulated results.


Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM Press)








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