Perceptions of Ethnic Groups in Bakauheni Sub-District, South Lampung Regency, Indonesia


Karomani ,Kartika Tina,Nusyirwan


Bakauheni constitutes a sub-district located in South Lampung, Indonesia. It is inhabited by diverse ethnic groups: Lampung, Sunda, Java, Batak, and Bugis. Their different cultural backgrounds often result in different perceptions among them. Therefore, this study aimed to explore perceptions by the ethnic groups living in the region.The current study was qualitative. An interview was undertaken in depth to investigate ethnic groups’ perceptions. The data were analyzed using BIPLOT. The result of the current study showed that there were two main categories of perceptions among the ethnic groups living in Bakauheni: soft-hearted and hard-hearted perception. This suggests that communication inter-ethnic is important for attaining the harmony of social life.


International Collaboration for Research and Publications


Communication,Cultural Studies,Strategy and Management,Education,Linguistics and Language,Gender Studies,Public Administration

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