Analisis Desain Sistem Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Kapasitas 50 WP


Ramadhan Anwar Ilmar,Diniardi Ery,Mukti Sony Hari


Kebutuhan akan listrik baik untuk kalangan industri, perkantoran, maupun masyarakat umum dan perorangan sangat meningkat. Tetapi, peningkatan kebutuhan listrik ini tidak diiringi oleh penambahan pasokan listrik. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, energi surya dipilih sebagai energi alternatif untuk menghasilkan energi listrik. Alat yang digunakan disini adalah sel surya, karena dapat mengkonversikan langsung radiasi sinar matahari menjadi energi listrik (proses photovoltaic). Agar energi surya dapat digunakan pada malam hari, maka pada siang hari energi listrik yang dihasilkan disimpan terlebih dahulu ke baterai yang dikontrol oleh regulator. Keluaran regulator langsung dihubungkan dengan inverter dari arus DC ke AC. Hasil pengujian modul surya (photovoltaic) terlihat bahwa hasil daya keluaran rata-rata mencapai 38,24 Watt,dan arus yang didapatkan sebesar 2,49 A (Ampere). Hal ini dikarenakan photovoltaic saat mengikuti arah pergerakan matahari akan selalu memposisikan photovoltaic untuk tetap menghadap matahari sehingga tetap akan dapat menangkap pancaran matahari secara maksimal. [Title: Design Analysis of System Power Solar Cells Capacity of 50 Wp] The need for electricity is good for the industry, offices, and public and individuals are greatly increased. However, the increase in demand for electricity is not accompanied by the additional power supply. Based on these problems, chosen solar energy as an alternative energy to generate electric power. A tool that is used here is the solar cell because it can directly convert solar radiation into electrical energy (photovoltaic process). So that solar energy can be used at night, then during the day, the electrical energy generated is stored before a battery which is controlled by the regulator. Regulator output is directly connected to the inverter from the DC to AC. The test results of solar modules (photovoltaic) indicated that the results of the average power output reached 38.24 Watt, and the currents were 2.49 A. This is because the photovoltaic follows the direction of movement of the sun and always located at the photovoltaic to remain facing the sun. Therefore, it will still be able to capture the radiant sun to the fullest.


Institute of Research and Community Services Diponegoro University (LPPM UNDIP)

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