Aliyah Istijabatul,Setioko Bambang,Pradoto Wisnu
Traditional markets function as trading place, socio-culture interaction, and recreation facility either in regional or urban scope. Distribution and variety of spatial condition influence traditional markets’ planning both physically and non-physically. Therefore, this research aims to conduct a mapping of traditional markets’ spatial distribution and variety as potential factors to improve spatial-based management. The research location is Surakarta City by applying analysis method including : 1) Mapping by employing Geographic Information System, 2) Category Based Analysis (CBA), and 3) Interactive Analysis. The result of this research signifies that spatial variety and distribution of traditional markets in Surakarta have similar pattern between one market to other markets; overlapping service function; specific commodity types in accordance with the market’s characteristics; diverse operating hours. Spatial variety and distribution could be potential factors to improve traditional market management as shopping service. It contrasts with Central Place Theory by Christaller and NÆss & Jensen’s research finding on distance which becomes a key factor influencing accessibility to a number of activity facilities. Therefore, distance toward the service center is not the main factor in traditional market management. However, the main factor in managing and controlling traditional markets’ development includes service function, commodity specification, and operating hours flexibility.
Institute of Research and Community Services Diponegoro University (LPPM UNDIP)
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