Identifikasi Karakteristik Fisik Mikroplastik di Sungai Kalimas, Surabaya, Jawa Timur


Fitriyah Aidatul1,Syafrudin Syafrudin2,Sudarno Sudarno2


1. Departemen Teknik Lingkungan, Magister Teknik Lingkungan, Universitas Diponegoro, Jalan Prof. Sudarto. SH, Kampus UNDIP, Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia

2. Departemen Teknik Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro, Jalan Prof. Sudarto. SH, Kampus UNDIP, Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia


Latar belakang: Sungai Kali Mas berbatasan langsung dengan pemukiman yang dapat berpotensi menyediakan berbagai sumber mikroplastik yang bersumber dari limbah cucian, produk perawatan pribadi dan sampah domestik.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk identifikasi karakteristik fisik mikroplastik di Sungai Kalimas.Metode: Penentuan lokasi sampling dengan metode purposve Sampling. Sampel diambil di 3 (tiga) titik lokasi yaitu pada hulu, tengan dan hilir sungai. Sampel diambil pada pagi, siang dan sore hari pada setiap lokasi sampling. Total keseluruhan sampel berjumlah 9 sampel. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan  dengan alat plankton net selama satu jam pada masing-masing lokasi. Identifikasi karakteristik (bentuk, warna dan ukuran) mikroplastik dilakukan dengan menggunakan mikroskop stereo mengacu pada analisis laboratorium NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration).Hasil: Konsentrasi mikroplastik di lokasi hulu, tengah dan hilir masing-masing sebesar 0,049 item/m3, 0.053 item/m3 dan 0.095 item/m3. Bentuk mikroplastik terdiri dari fiber 82%, Fragmen 6% dan filamen 12%. Rata-rata ukuran mikroplastik SMP 65% dan LMP 35% dan rata-rata warna mikroplastik transparan 34%, biru 29%, hitam 20%, kuning 2% dan merah 14%.Simpulan:Karakteristik mikroplastik didominasi oleh bentuk fiber 82%, warna transparan 34% dan ukuran SMP 65%. Sehingga, diperlukan IPAL komunal di daerah sekitar sungai Kalimas untuk menghindari sumber mikroplastik berbentuk fiber yang berasal dari kegiatan penduduk. ABSTRACT Title : Identification of Physical Characteristics of Microplastics in Kalimas River, Surabaya, East JavaBackground:kalimas river is directly located next to a residential area that can potentially provide various microplastic sources from laundry activities,  personal care products, and domestic waste. Thus,this study aimed to identify the physical characteristics of microplastics in the Kalimas River.Method: Determination of the sampling location by purposive sampling method. Samples were taken at 3 (three) location points, namely upstream, middle and downstream of the rive. Sampling was taken in the morning, afternoon and evening at each sampling location. The total number of samples are 9 samples. Sampling was carried out using a plankton net for one hour at each location. Identification characteristics of microplastics (shape, color and size) was carried out using a stereo microscope referring to the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) laboratorium laboratory analysis.Result:The concentration of microplastics in the upstream, middle and downstream locations were 0.049 items/m3, 0.053 items/m3 and 0.095 items/m3 respectively. The microplastic shapes comprised fiber 82%, fragment 6% dan filamen 12%. The average of microplastic size were 65% for SMP and 35% for LMP and average of microplastic color were transparan 34%, blue 29%, black 20%, yellow 2% and red 14%.Conclusion: characteristic microplastic in the water were dominated by fiber shaped 82%, transparent coloured 34% and size SMP 65%.  Thus, a communal WWTP is needed in the area around the Kalimas river to avoid sources of fiber microplastic originating from resident activities.


Institute of Research and Community Services Diponegoro University (LPPM UNDIP)


General Medicine

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