1. Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan Poltekkes Kemenkes RI Bandung, Jalan Babakan Loa No.10A, Gunung Batu, Cimahi Utara. Kota Cimahi 40514, Indonesia
Latar Belakang: Kompos berkualitas bagus dapat dilihat dari tingkat kematangan dan stabilitas kompos itu sendiri.Germination Index (GI) merupakan uji fitotoksisitas kompos terbaik karena alasan kemudahan dan keandalan. Nilai Germination Index (GI) akan mengalami penurunan ketika kondisi tanaman tercemar oleh logam berat.Metode: Penelitian ini adalah eksperime semu, skala laboratorium. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai Germination Index (GI) pada berbagai kondisi tanah. Benih yang ditanam di berbagai media adalah kacang hijau atau Vigna radiata. Variabel yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah Germination Index. Germination Index merupakan nilai perkalian persentase perkecambahan (Seed Germination) dan Panjang Akar (Root Length). Variabel penting lain yang diamati adalah pH tanah dan logam berat biji kacang hijau.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai persentase perkecambahan (SG) campuran tanah kompos adalah 80-86,67%. Panjang Akar (RL) pada campuran tanah kompos adalah 0,7-1,36 cm. Nilai Germination Index (GI) campuran tanah kompos sebesar 17,46-34,89%. Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam nilai Germination Index (GI) antara campuran tanah kompos yang berbeda-beda (1: 1, 2: 1.3: 1).Simpulan: Nilai Germination Index tanah yang terkontaminasi Chrom lebih besar dari campuran tanah kompos. Semakin tinggi nilai pH kompos semakin menurun nilai panjang akar sehingga memengaruhi nilai Germination Index menjadi lebih rendah dibandingkan pertumbuhan benih pada media tanah terkontaminasi Chrom. ABSTRACT: Title: Adding Variations In Kitchen Compost To Soil Index GerminationBackground: Good quality compost can be seen from the level of maturity and stability of the compost itself.. Germination Index (GI) the best compost phytotoxicity test for reasons of ease and reliability. The Germination Index (GI) value will decrease when plant conditions are contaminated by metals. Method: Th study was a quasi-experimental, laboratory scale. The purpose of this study was to determine the value of the Germination Index (GI) in various soil conditions Seeds planted on various media are Vigna radiata. The variable observed in th study the Germination Index. Germination index value the multiplication of the percentage of Seed Germination (SG) and Root Elongation (RE).Other important variables observed were soil pH and heavy metals in Vigna radiata seeds.Result: The results showed that the value of Seed Germination (SG) in the soil added by compost variation was 80-86.67%. The value of Root Length (RL) on the soil added with compost variation 0.7-1.36 cm. Germination Index (GI) value in the soil added by compost variation 17.46-34.89%. There was no significant difference in Germination Index (GI) values between different soil conditions with the addition of compost (1: 1, 1: 2.1: 3)Conclusion: The Germination Index value of soil contaminated with Chromium was greater than that of the compost soil mixture. The higher the pH value of the compost, the lower the root length value so that the Germination Index value was lower than the growth of seeds on soil contaminated with Chromium.
Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung
Institute of Research and Community Services Diponegoro University (LPPM UNDIP)