1. Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Indonesia
AbstractThe most common cause of maternal death in Indonesia is postpartum hemorrhage. Determining the diagnosis of postpartum hemorrhage by objectively measuring the volume of blood loss is still rarely done. This study aims to design and test the feasibility of teloplast , which is a birthing sheet made from biodegradable plastic as a container for measuring the volume of blood loss in normal delivery. This research method uses Research and Development (R&D) research . The teloplast feasibility test was carried out by 5 experts. The results of the expert validation test showed that Teloplast was appropriate to be used as a measure of blood loss volume in normal delivery with a Likert scale of 93.05% which was interpreted as a very good tool and suitable for use. AbstrakPenyebab kematian ibu terbanyak di Indonesia adalah perdarahan pasca salin. Penentuan diagnosis perdarahan pasca persalinan dengan pengukuran secara objektif volume kehilangan darah masih jarang dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang dan menguji kelayakan Teloplast yaitu perlak alas persalinan berbahan plastik biodegradable sebagai alat tampung untuk mengukur volume kehilangan darah pada persalinan normal. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian Research and Development (R&D). Uji kelayakan alat Teloplast dilakukan oleh 5 orang expert. Hasil uji validasi ahli menunjukkan bahwa Teloplast layak digunakan sebagai alat ukur volume kehilangan darah pada persalinan normal dengan skala Likert 93,05% diinterpretasikan alat baik sekali dan layak digunakan.
Institute of Research and Community Services Diponegoro University (LPPM UNDIP)
Literature and Literary Theory,History,Cultural Studies