1. Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Theraphy, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University/RSUP Dr. Kariadi, Semarang, Indonesia
2. Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Background: Pregnancy gives whole different challenge for anesthesiologist because of we handle two lives at once. Brain tumor in pregnancy correlated with maternal mortality, prematurity and intra uterine growth restriction (IUGR). It makes delivery time, what kind of anesthesia technique we used choosen by the situation.Case: We report a case of anesthesia technique using general anesthesia (GA) to accommodate sectio cesarean transperitoneal profunda (SCTP) in a 29 weeks pregnancy age, G1P0A0 female patient, ASA IIIE with intracranial SOL suspect cerebri abscess multiple dd/ tuberculoma, invasive mammae carcinoma, and bronchopneumoniae.Disscussion: Space occupied lesion (SOL) is a lesion in intracranial space especially give effect to brain. In our patient with SOL from cerebri abscess multiple dd/ tuberculoma. It caused intracranial pressure increase and also spastic hemiparese dextra. Pregnancy termination was done depends on 29 weeks pregnancy with SOL in this patient. We used GA for cesarean section (CS). Anesthesia technique will be considered successful if new born baby activity, pulse, grimace, appearance, and respiration (APGAR) is good.Conclusion: Female G1P0A0, 32 years old, 29 weeks pregnancy age, single intrauterine fetus with intracranial SOL suspect cerebri abscess multiple dd/ tuberculoma, invasive mammae carcinoma, and bronchopneumoniae was consulted by Obstetrician to Anestesiologist to do CS with GA. During anesthesia and surgery, there was no complication. In this case, termination was done for baby and mother’s well being.
Institute of Research and Community Services Diponegoro University (LPPM UNDIP)