1. Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan, Poltekkes Kemenkes Tanjungkarang, Jl. Soekarno-Hatta No.6 Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
Latar belakang : Menurut WHO, seperempat penduduk dunia telah terinfeksi Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), 10% akan berkembang menjadi TB aktif, dan 90% dalam bentuk infeksi TB laten. Sekitar 5-10% infeksi TB laten akan berkembang menjadi TB aktif. Anggota keluarga kontak serumah mempunyai risiko tinggi terjadi infeksi TB laten. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui prevalensi dan menganalisis faktor risiko infeksi TB laten pada anggota keluarga kontak serumah pasien TB aktif.Metode : Menggunakan desain cross sectional melalui pelacakan anggota keluarga kontak serumah pasien TB aktif. Sebanyak 138 dari 241 anggota keluarga kontak serumah 112 indeks kasus TB aktif yang tercatat di Puskesmas Kedungmundu mengikuti Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) menggunakan 2 Tuberculin Unit (TU) Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) 0,1 ml. Faktor risiko infeksi TB laten dikumpulkan saat melakukan kunjungan rumah. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji chi-square dan regresi logistik ganda. Hasil : Sebanyak 63,8% anggota keluarga kontak serumah mengalami infeksi TB laten. Secara simultan, variabel yang signifikan terkait dengan infeksi TB laten yaitu jenis pekerjaan (p=0,024) - buruh/petani/nelayan (p=0,007; aOR=7,04; 95%CI=1,70–29,02), pedagang/wirausaha (p=0,021; aOR=4,29; 95%CI=1,25–14,76), karyawan/ASN/TNI/POLRI (p=0,009; aOR=4,55; 95%CI=1,46–14,15), pelajar/mahasiswa (p=0,014; aOR=5,27; 95%CI=1,40–19,83) dibandingkan ibu rumah tangga (IRT)/tidak bekerja, lama kontak (p=0,016; aOR=4,70; 95%CI=1,33–16,66) dan kepadatan kamar tidur (p<0,001; aOR=5,33; 95%CI=2,24–12,71).Simpulan : Prevalensi infeksi TB laten pada anggota keluarga kontak serumah pasien TB aktif cukup tinggi. Jenis pekerjaan merupakan variabel paling dominan secara signifikan terkait risiko terjadinya infeksi TB laten pada anggota keluarga kontak serumah pasien TB aktif setelah dikontrol variabel kepadatan kamar tidur dan lama kontak. ABSTRACTTitle: Prevalence and Risk Factors for Latent TB Infection in Family Members Who Live in Contact With Active TB PatientsBackground: According to WHO, a quarter of the world's population has been infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), 10% will develop into active TB, and 90% in the form of latent TB infection. Approximately 5-10% of latent TB infections will develop into active TB. Household contact family members have a high risk of developing latent TB infection. This study aims to determine the prevalence and analyze the risk factors for latent TB infection in family members who live in contact with active TB patients.Methods: Using a cross-sectional design through tracing family members of active TB patients' household contacts. As many as 138 out of 241 family members who lived with 112 index active TB cases recorded at the Kedungmundu Health Center took the Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) using 2 Tuberculin Units (TU) Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) 0.1 ml. Risk factors for latent TB infection were collected during home visits. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test and multiple logistic regression.Results: As many as 63.8% of household contact family members had latent TB infection. Simultaneously, significant variables related to latent TB infection were occupation (p=0.024) - labourers/farmers/fishermen (p=0.007; aOR=7.04; 95% CI=1.70–29.02), traders / entrepreneur (p=0.021; aOR=4.29; 95%CI=1.25–14.76), employee/ASN/TNI/POLRI (p=0.009; aOR=4.55; 95%CI=1, 46–14.15), student/student (p=0.014; aOR=5.27; 95% CI=1.40–19.83) compared to housewives (IRT)/not working, length of contact (p=0.016 ; aOR=4.70; 95%CI=1.33–16.66) and bedroom density (p<0.001; aOR=5.33; 95%CI=2.24–12.71).Conclusion: The prevalence of latent TB infection in family members of household contacts of active TB patients is quite high. Type of work is the most dominant variable that is significantly related to the risk of latent TB infection in family members who live in contact with active TB patients after controlling for bedroom density and length of contact.
PenelitiaKementerian Kesehatan RI melalui Badan PPSDM Kesehatan RI - di Jakarta.
Institute of Research and Community Services Diponegoro University (LPPM UNDIP)