The formation of legal policy of Ukraine at the present stage.


Khodakivskyi Mykhailo1ORCID


1. Koretsky Institute of State and Law of National Academy of Science of Ukraine


Introduction. Legal policy as a means of regulating the political and legal sphere of society is a prerequisite for optimizing political, economic, social and other relations in society. At the present stage, politics is considered through the prism of its governance function, and in turn, law is a means of normalizing and governing public relations. In this approach, legal policy is a strategic means of transforming society, which regulates the complex relationship between society and the state and ensures human and civil rights and freedoms. Most domestic research papers on legal policy cover some of its various aspects and expressions, but focus primarily on its theoretical foundations. The aim of the article. Today there is a certain lack of applied research in legal policy. We shall try to consider the applied aspects of legal policy at the present stage of development of Ukraine, regarding it as a set of governance tasks and political and legal decisions that regulate various social relations by legal means. Results. The process of Ukrainian eurointegration stimulates the development of a civilized legal policy. Its basic characteristics are laid down in the Association Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part. The institutional basis of this policy is the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, which is becoming a national center for the formation of state legal policy. Further steps in this direction include the reorganization of its structure in such a way as to provide an institutional opportunity for the formation of state legal policy in all public spheres, which should be regulated by legal means. Conclusions. The key means of transforming legal policy at the present stage is the commitment made by Ukraine during the signing of the Association Agreement with the European Union. Ukrainian modern legal policy is based on such values as democratic principles, the rule of law, good governance, and so on. The structural elements of modern legal policy are the proper institutional basis for its making and the necessary content of social transformations. At the present stage, the institutional mechanism of introducing and making legal policy is being formed, based on the activity of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine as the single national center for forming state legal policy, integrating structural subdivisions of other central executive bodies. The next stage of the reform of Ukrainian legal policy should be its content, which will also be carried out in the context of Ukrainian eurointegration.


Koretsky Institute of State and Law of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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