Transformation of governance in Ukraine in the constitutional and legal discourse


Pukhtynskyi Mykola1ORCID


1. Koretsky Institute of State and Law of National Academy of Science of Ukraine


Introduction. The aim of the article: The purpose and objectives of the study are an inventory of current problems of constitutional and legal regulation of public authority and outline priorities for the transformation of constitutional and legal regulation of government in Ukraine. Results. The results of the presidential and parliamentary elections in Ukraine have shown that society is in dire need of a new paradigm of government. Now is the time for a comprehensive, in particular, constitutional and legal awareness and coverage of the functioning of government in the country through the categories of governance and good governance, which are a manifestation of the European vector of public administration, the organization of public authority. Further development of the democratic system of government requires the development of constitutional and legal regulation and the definition of innovative mechanisms for the exercise of public power. The result of these investigations may be the development and discussion in the process of national discussion in various formats of its implementation – Conceptual principles of formation and constitutional, legal, political renewal of government in Ukraine. The study of these perspectives is associated with a new paradigm of governance in Ukraine - the paradigm of good governance. This paradigm allows to use the postulates of the anthropocentric philosophy of the priority of human rights and freedoms and to combine and realize the interests of public authorities: legislative, executive, local self-government; civil society institutions; business associations, the environment and thus harmonize social development processes. At the same time, good governance is understood as a generally accepted system of values regarding public domination and management, the process of systematic interaction of active participants (stakeholders) of public authorities and public administration. The priority in the prospects of transformation of the constitutional and legal regulation of governance is a systematic update, modernization of the Constitution of Ukraine. Among the following prospects for the transformation of constitutional and legal regulation: updating the constitutional and sectoral legislation on the institutions of public power, public administration and governance in Ukraine. The issues of subregional, district level of government, local self-government, public administration, executive power come to the forefront of the transformation of the territorial organization of power, territorial government in Ukraine. The process of transformation of territorial governance should be provided by appropriate financial and economic, organizational, personnel, legal mechanisms that accompany the decentralization of public power at the territorial level of its organization. A significant milestone in the improvement and reform of municipal public power should be the new version of the Constitution of Ukraine on decentralization of power. Conclusions. Outlining the priorities for the transformation of the constitutional and legal regulation of governance in Ukraine is associated with a new paradigm of governance in Ukraine – the paradigm of good governance. Renewal of the Constitution, the process of constitutional and legal modernization are associated with the formation of an integrated system of public power, public administration, governance in Ukraine. In particular, this applies to the territorial organization of public authorities. Here it is expedient to talk about the preparation and discussion of draft laws on local executive bodies, on the basics of financial decentralization, on local self-government (new version), on the principles of local governance.


Koretsky Institute of State and Law of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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