The influence of law-making technologies on the process of transformation of Ukrainian legislation


Shutak I. D.ORCID


The purpose of the article is to show the impact of law-making technologies on the process of transformation of Ukrainian legislation. The novelty of the article consists in substantiating the practical value of law-making technologies in the modern period of transformation of legislation. It was found that the ratio of law-making technologies is carried out within the framework of its principles. Within the framework of the principle of scientific validity, the assets of various scientific fields are used, with the help of which the external (social and natural) factors are isolated. According to the principle of legality and differentiation of law-making competence, internal legal factors are directed to the formalization of qualitative boundaries, as well as the boundaries of space and time. Attention is drawn to the fact that the legislative activity of the Government of Ukraine has increased significantly in recent years, largely as a result of mutual understanding and interaction between the Government and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. At the same time, one cannot fail to note the somewhat chaotic nature of this activity, the excessive influence of departmental and corporate interests, while the law should primarily reflect the interests of society in general. In addition, government bills do not always undergo a comprehensive socioeconomic examination. The law-making technology of the Romano-Germanic type of legal system indicates a high level of normativity and coherence, which ensures the achievement of proper legal order. Instead, in the Anglo-American type, the mechanism of legal influence has an average level of normativity, which is determined by a combination of normative prescriptions of both statutory and precedent law. And in the religious-customary (traditional) type, the low level of normativity is explained by the fact that legal means of regulation are often replaced by non-legal ones, and in a number of legal systems of this type, general legal means perform special functions. As a result of the analysis of the theory of historical interpretation of legal norms, it is shown that the lawmaking technology of the Romano-Germanic type of legal system indicates a high level of normativity, coherence,which ensures the achievement of proper legal order. Instead, in the Anglo-American type, the mechanism of legal influence has an average level of normativity, which is determined by a combination of normative prescriptions of both statutory and precedent law. It is argued that the transformation of Ukrainian legislation is influenced by the trends of international and national law-making, in particular the narrowing of the boundaries of law-making in continental law and the expansion of the boundaries of law-making due to the rule-making powers of higher judicial bodies in common (English) law. In the member states of the EU, there is a tendency to narrow the boundaries of national law-making. Key words: legal system, rule of law, legal relations, law-making, legal technique, legal technology.


Koretsky Institute of State and Law of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


General Economics, Econometrics and Finance

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