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3. Tekhnicheskij otchet o proektirovanii i stroitel'stve Volzhskoj GES imeni V.I. Lenina: v 2 t. 1950–1958 gg. [Technical report on the design and construction of the Volzhskaya HPP named after V.I. Lenin: in 2 volumes, 1950–1958].
4. Kondratenko P.S. Teoreticheskie osnovy gidrodinamiki i teploperenosa [Theoretical foundations of hydrodynamics and heat transfer]. M.: Institute for Problems of Safe Development of Nuclear Energy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2003. 68 p.
5. Naydenko V.V. Velikaya Volga na rubezhe tysyacheletij. Ot ekologicheskogo krizisa k ustojchivomu razvitiyu [The Great Volga at the turn of the millennium. From ecological crisis to sustainable development]. Book I. Nizhny Novgorod, Promgrafika, 2003. 432 p.