Proposals for territorial planning of the desert region of Syria


Alsus Makhammad M.,Scherbina Elena V.


The restoration of the territories of Syria, destroyed as a result of the crisis and the war of 2011, determines the need to develop proposals for territorial planning as the basis for the implementation of urban development activities in the regions. Based on the systematization of the processes occurring in the "Region" system, proposals were formulated for the territorial planning of the Desert Region of the SAR, which has a significant territorial resource. Based on the concept of sustainable development, the expediency of developing the energy industry based on renewable energy sources of the sun and wind as biospherically compatible, having a lower impact on the environment in comparison with power plants operating on other types of fuel (coal, oil, gas) is shown. Approximate estimates of the theoretical potential of solar and wind energy on the territory of the Desert Region are given, based on data from the Global sun Atlas and Global Wind Atlas. The determination of territories promising for the placement of wind and solar power plants was carried out taking into account the existing land use by sequentially excluding already occupied sites using Openmaps software. Proposals for the territorial planning of the Desert region are formulated, justifying the location of new energy facilities in the region, ensuring economic growth and allowing a balanced use of natural potential.


Samara State Technical University







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