1. Krasheninnikova E.S., Norenkov S.V. Sinarhija artefaktov tvorchestva: arhitektonika ansamblestroenija [Synarchy of artifacts of creativity: architectonics of ensemble construction: monograph]. Nizhny Novgorod, NNGASU Publ., 2017. 296 p.
2. Krasheninnikova E.S., Norenkov S.V. Arhitektonika prostranstva cheloveka: hronotopy ansambleobrazovanija [Architectonics of human space: chronotopes of ensemble formation: monograph]. Nizhny Novgorod, NNGASU, 2018. 295 p.
3. Norenkov S.V. Krasheninnikova E.S. Arhitektonicheskoe iskusstvo: kul'tura proektnogo tvorchestva [Architectonic art: the culture of design creativity: monograph]. Nizhny Novgorod, NNGASU Publ., 2019. 295 p.
4. The problem of urban design universals: modeling and planning of ensemble spaces
5. Синархиотектоника: инвариант ноосферистики и всеобщей теории систем