Ways to increase the thermal power of the convector


Anciferov Sergej A.ORCID,Chirkova Elena V.ORCID,Pryadilov Aleksej V.,Goshkoderya Lyubov' V.


The necessity of improving the production of heating devices in order to ensure their nominal thermal power is substantiated. The features of the manufacture of convectors "Universal" by the burnishing method are considered. The damages of the edges of the plates that occur during the expansion of the pipe during burnishing are investigated. The most promising direction for improving the quality of convector production has been identified - cold stamping of plates. The analysis of the shortcomings of plate stamping was carried out, the main reasons for the decrease in the thermal power of convectors were identified, and measures were developed to eliminate them. To increase the objectivity of the results of the study, tests were carried out with two different casings of convectors on a test bench. The optimal degree of plate tension has been determined and confirmed experimentally.


Samara State Technical University

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