The use of dramatization technology for the development of students' value orientations


Nazarova Natalia V.,Grigorieva Viktoria G.


The paper is devoted to the application of dramatization technology in foreign language teaching in order to develop general cultural, spiritual and moral value orientations among students. The purpose of this study was to prove the effectiveness of the use of dramatization technology as a means of developing students' value orientations in the process of learning a foreign language. To study the methods of this pedagogical technology, a review and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature was conducted followed by a brief survey among foreign language teachers and students of the Theater Faculty of the Samara Institute of Culture. The results of the survey were used to clarify the most significant cultural values among the interviewees, as well as to determine the interest of the Theater Faculty students in the use of dramatization techniques during the study of a foreign language. To confirm the hypothesis and further practical implementation of the conclusions, a theatrical project "Gallop across Europe. From Aeschylus to Brecht", which involved the 2 year students of the Theater Faculty, was staged. The material for the dramatic production was excerpts from five works of classical foreign literature, which most fully reflected the purpose of the study. It was concluded that the didactic potential of dramatization technology is not limited exclusively to the development of language skills, but can be effectively used for formation of students' value orientations.


Samara State Technical University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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