Academic and career motivation of future engineers through foreign language teaching and learning


Perchatkina Veronika G.,Ziyatdinova Julia N.


The paper discusses the issues of academic and career motivation of engineering university students. This motivation deals with the development of cognitive motives and interest in the future profession. Although there are many publications focusing on this topic, most of them consider academic and career motivation of students in relation to the future profession through professional courses, practice in the workplace, or project-based learning. Only few publications consider humanities as the tool to develop this motivation. This paper aims at analyzing academic and career motivation of engineering students through foreign language teaching and learning based on literature review and a poll of the faculty members. The results show that academic and career motivation of engineering students througha foreign language integrates language specific and profession specific issues, as the foreign language course implies the development of intercultural and professional competencies to train students for their future professional communication. The authors define the following prerequisites necessary to enhance the students motivation including problem-based teaching and learning combined with active methods in class as well as specific teaching and learning materials related to the future engineering profession. The authors conclude that the process and results of academic and career motivation influence social and professional self-directed development of students, a foreign language course is a good tool, and further research into topic is relevant.


Samara State Technical University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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