Alves Daiane Mayara,Nai Gisele Alborghetti,Parizi José Luiz Santos
The use ofdrugs of abuseis apublic health problem. One of thedifficulties intreatingdrug usersis thelack of informationon the subjectfacingdentistry.This study aimed toassessthe oral conditionsofaddicts in treatment in Centersfor Psychosocial Care (CAPS IIAD). We performedan interview, examinationof the oral cavity, sialometryassessmentandoralpHin 60patients attendingtwo CAPS IIADin twocitiesin the stateof SãoPaulo, of both sexesandover 18 years old. The majority(28%) were agedbetween 41and 50 years, were male(85%) andhave elementary education(37%). Among those interviewed,98%reported that they hadbeen to the dentist. 22% did notbrush their teethand 95% did not flossing. The abuse drugsmore used were: alcohol (95%), cigarettes (85%), marijuana(48%) and cocaine/ crack/merla(40%). The oral routeisthe route of administrationof the drugmost frequently cited(51%). Hyposalivationwas diagnosedin 56% of patients and 12% hadacidic pH. The main visible changesin periodontalarea weregingival retraction, color change, plaque and calculussimultaneously (42%), anddental change wasexogenous pigmentation(15%). Only 2% had none decayed, restored,lostorextraction indicated in permanent teeth. All patients had multipleoral abnormalitiesassociated with use ofdrugs of abuse(such ashyposalivation, oralacidpH, exogenous pigmentation), and oral healthgreatlycompromised.
Associacao Prudentina de Educacao e Cultura (APEC)
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