1. Department of Agricultural Rural Development, Faculty of Agriculture, Ahmadu Bello University , Zaria.
The study assessed the determinants of yam farmers’ choice of coping strategies to economic
recession in Oye Local Government Area of Ekiti State. Specifically, this study identified
measures adopted by the yam farmers to cope with economic recession in the study area. Data
for the study were collected through structured questionnaire which was administered to 122
yam farmers. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data for the study.
The result of the study indicated that over 70% of the farmers were engaged in petty business
and Intensify on on-farm activities to cope with economic recession. Estimates of Tobit
regression model showed that sex of the farmer, level of education, occupation, extension visit,
and association membership were significant at 1% level of probability, while farming
experience and household size were significant at 5% level of probability. The result implies
that yam farmers’ choice of coping strategies to economic recession is determined by these
variables. Based on these findings, it is recommended that adult education programmes should
be organized by the local government in order to increase the literacy levels of the respondents,
likewise extension visit should be strengthened through provision of necessary logistics so that
farmers will be sensitized on the different strategies to cope with economic recession. Farmer’s
associations should be encouraged by the extension agent, as it is an avenue for sharing
information and knowledge among themselves which could help in making better choice of
coping strategies. The involvement of farmers in other occupation could serve as an avenue to
earn additional income which could help in the choice of coping strategies to economic
Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Maiduguri
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