A case series of cerebral toxoplasmosis in the practice of a neurological hospital


Shnyakin Pavel G.ORCID,Botov Anton V.ORCID,Rudenko Pavel G.ORCID,Khorzhevsky Vladimir A.ORCID,Usatova Irirna S.ORCID


Introduction. Central nervous system is one of the main targets in patients with HIV infection. Neurological complications in AIDS are primarily caused by opportunistic brain infections including toxoplasmosis as the most common one. Patients with cerebral toxoplasmosis are often hospitalized with diagnosed strokes, tumors, or encephalitis. At that, their HIV status may be unknown and their state severity often does not allow conducting the range of required examinations. Materials and methods. We have described our experience in management of 6 patients admitted to the neurosurgery department with single toxoplasmosis foci and diagnosed brain tumors. Results. HIV infection was initially known in 3 patients only. In 2 compensated patients, the diagnosis was confirmed via Toxoplasma IgG blood test. In 2 individuals, negative serological Toxoplasma reactions were followed by neuronavigationally controlled biopsies. A patient with an extensive perifocal edema and, as a result, dislocated midline structures underwent decompressive craniectomy and mass removal. One female patient, with an unclear diagnosis, was operated for a suspected brain tumor. After additional assessments (including 4 histologies to confirm cerebral toxoplasmosis), all the patients were transferred to the infectious disease hospital for specific treatment.


Research Center of Neurology


Neurology (clinical),Neurology,Cognitive Neuroscience,Neuroscience (miscellaneous),Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience

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