Pathophysiology and biomechanics of stretch-induced peripheral nerve injuries


Karakulova Yulia V.ORCID,Kloyan Gayane Z.ORCID,Muravev Sergey V.ORCID,Shitoev Ivan D.ORCID,Nikitin Vladislav N.ORCID,Ivanova Maria D.ORCID


Objective: to investigate pathophysiology and biomechanics of the nerve stretching and to form a biomechanical model of a nerve stretch injury. Materials and methods. We analyzed and summarized the data from open access sources (eLibrary, Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed) with unlimited search depth. A search was performed using the following keywords: растяжение нерва (English: nerve stretching), stretching nerve, biomechanical nerve stretching, nerve stretching injury. Results. Here are presented key historical information and biochemical, neurophysiological, and biomechanical events related to a nerve stretch injury. Objective experimental data on the nerve stretching process are summarized. Conclusions. A nerve is a heterogeneous elastic cord, which can be slightly stretched under physiological conditions due to the involvement of its sheath structures. In a stretched nerve, ischemic lesions have an early onset and further become irreversible. Nerve conduction disorders occur, resulting in a severe neurological deficit. When the nerve is stretched by more than a third, it ruptures and the sequence in which fragmented neural structures occur during nerve tension remains unclear.


Research Center of Neurology


Neurology (clinical),Neurology,Cognitive Neuroscience,Neuroscience (miscellaneous),Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience

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