Semedi Bambang Pujo,Soediono Mochammad Ridhwan
In the critically ill patients, fluid therapy may cause fluid overload if it is not based on the indication. The understanding of fluid therapy and precise knowledge of how much fluids a patient might need, is essential to avoid further complications that can lead to morbidity or even mortality. Goal-directed and guided fluid resuscitation is the main concept of fluid therapy, and it must be based on the recorded daily fluid balance. It is a known fact that positive fluid balance during the treatment period may lead to pulmonary edema, hemodynamic instability and can worsen the overall condition of the patient.
Abbreviations: ADH - anti-diuretic hormone; GAG - glycoproteins glycosaminoglycans; RAAS - renin angiotensin aldosterone system;
Keywords: Fluid balance, fluid overload, sepsis, acute kidney injury
Citation: Semedi BP, Soediono MR. Fluid balance in critically ill: a predictor of death? Anaesth. pain intensive care 2024;28(3):566−570; DOI: 10.35975/apic.v28i3.2474
Received: February 22, 2024; Reviewed: March 25, 2024; Accepted: March 26, 2024
Aga Khan University Hospital