Azeem Yasmeen,Mansoor Ayesha,Naeem Uzma,Zahir Jawad,Zareen Abeera
Background & Objective: Pain is the most common symptom, which brings a patient to the doctor. An ever-increasing spectrum of painful conditions are shared by both of the genders and have a significant influence on health and well-being. This impact can be reduced by proper diagnosis and management. We aimed to present an audit of our experience of pain related conditions and their management at our pain clinic at a tertiary care hospital.
Methodology: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in Holy Family Hospital, on 1414 patients of both genders, who presented with pain at the specialized pain clinic of our hospital. To record the pattern of diseases among patients attending our specialized pain clinic, the data regarding the pain conditions diagnosed, the management strategies, and the relationship with the age and gender were noted.
Results: The mean age of patients was 44.25 ± 7.04 y; regarding gender, 29.4% were males, while 70.6% were females. Most of the patients were diagnosed with paraspinal muscle spasms and trigger points (24.82%), and osteoarthritis knee (16.19%). Medications and physical therapy (61.74%) served as the mainstay of treatment for mild to moderate pains. The relationship of pain with a causative disease was significant with gender (P ˂ .001), but insignificant with age (P = 0.921).
Conclusion: Patients presented between the ages of 18 to 62 y, and most of them were females. Paraspinal muscle spasm was the most frequent diagnosis. Mild to moderate pains were managed with medication and physical therapy, and severe cases with interventional procedures. The patient's gender was related to pain disorders.
Key words: Pain clinic; Gender; Pain diagnosis; Pain treatment
Citation: Azeem Y, Mansoor A, Naeem U, Zahir J, Zareen A. The spectrum of pain patients reporting to the pain clinic of Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi (Pakistan). Anaesth. pain intensive care 2023;27(4):558−564.
DOI: 10.35975/apic.v27i4.2266
Received: May 13, 2023; Reviewed: June 28; Accepted: July 06, 2023
Aga Khan University Hospital