Growth kinetics of benign neuroepithelial brain tumors in children with relapse


Fedorov E. V.1,Kim A. V.1


1. Almazov National Medical Research Centre


The problem of treating children with recurrent cerebral tumors cannot be solved without effective prediction of recurrent blastomatous growth. The main question will be, in addition to the possible risks of tumor recurrence, when should regrowth of the neoplasm be expected in time? In our opinion, one of the probable ways to solve this problem is to study the kinetics of tumor growth and create a mathematical model for it. The aim of the study was to analyze the kinetic features of the continued growth of benign neuroepithelial brain tumors in children after surgical treatment. The study included the results of an MRI of a 32 patients under the age of 17 years. All patients underwent brain tumor resection for the first time in the Department for Children Polenov Neurosurgical Institute (Almazov National Medical Research Centre). All patients had a relapse/continued tumor growth, as well as a benign nature of the neoplasm, which was confirmed pathomorphologically. To construct the kinetic curves, volumetric indicators of tumors obtained by virtual 3D-modeling were used. Depending on the histotype, the tumor growth rate was determined by the formula: v = (VT-VO)/T, and a graphical assessment of changes in the volume of the neoplasm was carried out – the construction of kinetic curves. Further, the most typical kinetic curves for each histological type of benign neuroepithelial tumors were identified.


Arterialnaya Gipertenziya

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