The Physico-Chemical Properties of Bovine and Buffalo Whey Proteins Milk by Using Ultrafiltration Membrane Technology


Al-Hatim Raqad R.,Al-Rikabi Ali K.,Ghadban Amal K.


The current study aims to prepare whey from bovine and buffalo fresh milk to make three types of cheese, namely: thermal, acidic and enzymatic. Afterward, whey proteins have been separated, then the concentration process of whey proteins has been conducted by using ultrafiltration membrane technology. Through the previous step, two products have been obtained; first, concentrated whey proteins which is called (Retentate), while the other is called (Permeate). Applying rotary evaporator, whey proteins are concentrated and then drying in two methods: spray-drying and freeze-drying in a form of white and soft powder. The chemical composition has been studied at each phase. The results show the separation, purification, and concentration of bovine and buffalo whey proteins by using ultrafiltration membrane technology. The results show that buffalo whey proteins produced by the method of enzymatic and dried with spray-drying are better than bovine whey protein. Finally, the results show a low ratio of lactose, salts and moisture content at the stages of filtration and concentration. The results present a high proportion of protein to 80 .and low ratio lactose and salt.


Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, College of Agriculture, University of Basrah


Horticulture,Pollution,Agronomy and Crop Science,Animal Science and Zoology,Biochemistry







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