The purpose of the article is to update the role of active leisure in preserving the health of the population, popularizing a healthy lifestyle, and analyzing the specifics of the training of physical education and sports specialists for the organization of active leisure in places of mass recreation of the population.
The issue of professional training of physical education and sports specialists has been updated in the context of the expansion of the areas of sports and health work with various population groups and the organization of active leisure.
The orientations of professional training for specialists in physical education and sports recreational and recreational activities have been determined, the main aspects of training specialists in the field of physical culture and sports have been revealed.
Approaches in the process of training physical education and sports specialists to the organization of active leisure (epistemological, axiological, systemic, personal, activity-based, and competence-based) are highlighted.
The content of the training of physical education and sports specialists for the organization of active leisure in places of mass recreation has been determined (understanding of the basic concepts, legal bases and program and normative requirements for the organization of active leisure of the population; availability of systemic and integral knowledge regarding the forms and methods of organizing active leisure; the formation of relevant beliefs, views, value attitudes, social norms, positive motivation; integration of theoretical and practical tools; ability to independently design means of sports and health activities, etc.).
The State Scientific Institution “Institute of Education Content Modernization”
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