The Influence of Economic Board Games on the Development of Cognitive and Social Skills in Pupils and Student Youth


Pysmennyi VitaliiORCID


It has been established that the use of board games in the modern educational space is an indispensable condition for quality education. In addition to increasing the motivation of pupils and students to study the disciplines, they help to form their critical thinking, ensure effective communication, cooperation and teamwork, develop the ability to make decisions, solve problems, etc. The results of the research showed that board games are flexible and adaptable to different subject areas, allowing to systematize, deepen and more comprehensively consolidate educational material, interest all participants in the educational process through an exciting format conducive to the development of cognitive and social skills. The results of the approbation of the board game «From the Varangians to the Greeks», developed by the Doctor of Economic Sciences, Docent V. Pysmennyi, are studied, which is distinguished by its focus on the integration of economics, geography and history, which makes it possible to obtain multifaceted knowledge using the game form of education. Based on observation and survey of the participants of the game, who were pupils of the Ternopil Academic Lyceum «Ukrainian Gymnasium» named after Ivan Franko and students of the Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, its influence on the development of cognitive (concentration of attention, memorization, thinking, spatial imagination and executive skills) and social skills (communication, conflict resolution and empathy) has been established. These skills have been identified as key to learning, development and social interaction as they help pupils and students to interact successfully in and out of the educational environment. According to the results of the study, it was established that the use of the board game «From the Varangians to the Greeks» made it possible to enrich learning, adding to it a positive emotional component in interpersonal relations and maintaining psychosocial comfort. This is especially relevant in the context of the development of modern trends in pedagogy, in which the active involvement of all participants in the educational process is a key element of effective learning.


The State Scientific Institution “Institute of Education Content Modernization”

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