Effectiveness of patientoriented prevention of chronic non-infectious diseases in workers exposed to harmful factors of production


Blaginina T. F.1ORCID,Kardakova E. V.1,Platitsyna N. G.1ORCID,Bolotnova T. V.1ORCID


1. Tyumen State Medical University


Introduction. Conducted a periodic medical examination of workers under the influence of harmful factors of production has shown a high prevalence of risk factors and chronic non-infectious diseases (NCDs).The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of patient-oriented prevention of NCDs in workers exposed to hazardous industrial factors in different occupational categories.Materials and methods The study included 656 workers who received one NCDs prevention program after a periodic medical examination. The effectiveness of the undertaken patient-centered prevention program was evaluated on the following grounds: the dynamics of primary NCDs morbidity, the prevalence of NCDs risk factors and NCDs control, temporary and permanent disability, frequency of visits for medical care, regularity and completeness of medical records, the frequency of preventive appointments with a therapist and cardiologist in the health center, cardiovascular and occupational risks.Results One year after the patient-oriented prophylaxis, the course of NCDs was monitored. Good result was achieved in 43 % of workers, after 5 years – in 29 %. At the same time higher results were obtained in the group with 4–6 harmful industrial factors. The leading factors were general vibration and industrial noise, industrial dust, welding aerosol. The reduction of cardiovascular risk by 47 % and occupational risk by 30 % was registered. Median temporary disability was 10.6 days (95 % CI: 6.2–12.3) after 1 year in group 2, which was 5.2 days less; the lowest median time of NCDs was 12.4 months (95 % CI: 7.7–15.1) in the comparison group.Discussion. Previously, there was already an organization of therapeutic and preventive work in shop floor health posts. Its application of new methods and tools proves the effectiveness of patient-oriented prevention of NCDs among workers at an industrial enterprise.Conclusion Patient-oriented prevention of NCDs was carried out in different occupational groups. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of this work in workers exposed to harmful occupational factors.


Ural State Medical University

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