1. Ural State Medical University
Introduction. The literature review deals with the effects of ionizing radiation and radiation on the body of medical personnel.Materials and methods. 50 actual sources were analyzed. The relevance of the study of the constant, long-term influence of low doses of radiation is shown, in view of the increasing use of sources of ionizing radiation in various fields of scientific and practical human activity, including medicine.Results. Thanks to the analysis of numerous literature data, it was revealed that operating doctors, who are faced in their work with sources of ionizing radiation, often do not have a sufficient level of protection of the thyroid tissue from radiation. It was revealed that the overwhelming majority of studies highlighting thyroid pathology in medical personnel working with X-rays are aimed at identifying the risks of thyroid cancer and does not take into account the pathology of non-tumor genesis. Analyzed the data of scientific publications, allowing to draw a conclusion about the effects of chronic exposure to ionizing radiation, namely X-rays, in low doses on the thyroid tissue from a morphological and functional point of view.Discussion. It was established on the basis of the analysis of experimental data that under the influence of low-dose X-ray radiation, the intercellular contacts of thyrocytes are disconnected, which can lead to a decrease in the synthesis of thyroid hormones and, as a consequence, to the development of hypothyroidism.Conclusion. Based on the analysis of the experimental data, it has been established that under the influence of low-dose X-rays there is a disconnection of intercellular contacts of thyrocytes, which may lead to a decrease in the synthesis of thyroid hormones and, consequently, to the development of hypothyroidism.
Ural State Medical University
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