Comparative analysis of long-term treatment outcomes in patients with locally advanced prostate cancer


Galina G. V.1,Karnaukh Р. A.2,Timokhina D. M.1,Kyprianov E. A.1


1. Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Center of Oncology and Nuclear Medicine

2. Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Center of Oncology and Nuclear Medicine; South Ural State Medical University


Introduction. The aim of the study was to compare the survival rates of patients with prostate cancer (PC) with lymphogenic metastases (N1) after surgical treatment and after conformal distant radiation therapy followed by adjuvant hormone therapy with analogues of luteinizing-releasing hormone (LHRH).Materials and methods. The patients were divided into two groups. The first group included 36 patients with prostate cancer after posadilonic prostatectomy with extended pelvic lymphadenectomy followed by continuous adjuvant hormone therapy (analogs of LGRH) for up to two to three years. Lymphogenic metastases were detected after histological examination of the operative material. The second group consisted of 42 patients after neoadjuvant hormone therapy for 6 months (LGRH analogues), a course of distant radiation therapy (DLT) in the traditional mode with a single focal dose (ROD) of 2 Gray (Gy), a total focal dose (SOD) of 72 Gy, followed by adjuvant hormone therapy in a continuous mode (analogs of LGRH) for up to two to three years.Results. The duration of follow-up was 60 months, with a median of 38 months. The one-year survival rate after surgery was 86.1%, in the group after DLT — 81.2%, the three-year survival rate in group 1 — 80.1%, in group 2 — 76.3%, the five-year survival rates — 72.3% and 69.1% respectively. The one-year cancer-specific survival rate in group 1 was 96.7%, the three-year survival rate was 83.4%, and the five-year survival rate was 52.8%. In the second group, the oneyear survival rate was 91.9%, the three-year survival rate was 74.1%, and the five-year survival rate was 51.4%. Conclusion. For the treatment of prostate cancer patients with lymphogenic metastases, prostatectomy with extended pelvic lymphadenectomy can be considered as a treatment option not only in clinical trials. The results of cancer-specific and relapse-free survival show the effectiveness of this treatment option


Ural State Medical University

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