Nutritional approaches to correction of metabolic syndrome before abdominoplasty


Popov A. A.1ORCID,Leonteva G. A.2,Stolina E. A.2,Airapetova E. L.2,Bagrova E. N.2,Fedotova L. V.1ORCID,Akimova A. V.1ORCID


1. Ural State Medical University

2. Nudelman Center for Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery


The aim of the study was to highlight modern approaches to the dietary correction of metabolic syndrome   in patients who have decided to perform abdominoplasty. Materials and methods. The keywords driven search for scientific references was carried out in the PubMed, Google Scholar and databases for the period from 2000 to 2020. 38 sources were selected from 159 received links. Results and Discussion. Current approaches to dietary therapy of obese patients who have decided to perform abdominoplasty, taking into account the comorbidity of patients, is provided. Particular attention is drawn to the subjects’ nutritional status periodical reassessment, the identification and comprehensive correction of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism disorders both at the stage of preoperative preparation and throughout subsequent life. The principles of calculating the daily caloric content and the nutrition planning are considered. A personalized interdisciplinary approach to patient management within the wide specialties spectrum (internist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, nutritionist, psychotherapist, plastic surgeon) cooperation and the application of digital technologies for remote life-long monitoring and counseling is discussed. Conclusion. A unified algorithm of actions of an interdisciplinary team of specialists, taking into account the personal characteristics and  needs of patients, the possibilities of digital technologies, allows to reduce the risk of developing comorbid pathology, improve the results of abdominoplasty, the quality and life expectancy of the patient and ensure the best therapeutic and aesthetic result, as well as prevent relapses of weight gain during long-term follow-up of patients after abdominoplasty.


Ural State Medical University

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