Valiev A. K.,Musaev E. R.,Sushentsov E. A.,Borzov K. A.,Aliev M. D.
The treatment of the patients with metastatic spinal lesions is one of the most difficult problems in modern vertebrology and oncology. The experience of Russian Cancer Research Center based on the clinical analysis on 214 patients with metastatic spine disease showed the results of median survival rate overall 6 months. The mean survival rate in cases of renal cancer metastases consisted 11,2 months, breast cancer - 16,2 months, lung cancer mts - 2,1 months, prostate cancer - 17,7 months, unknown primary origin - 7,8 months. We compared our results with expected survival, scored by Tokuhashi scale. The real survival rate and expected matched only in patients with renal and lung cancer mts.
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3 articles.