Comparison of Nitinol and Titanium Nails Effectiveness for Lumbosacral Spine Fixation in Surgical Treatment of Degenerative Spine Diseases


Kolesov S. V.1,Kazmin A. I.1,Shvets V. V.1,Gushcha A. O.2,Poltorako E. N.2,Basankin I. V.3,Krivoshein A. E.4,Bukhtin K. M.1,Panteleev A. A.1,Sazhnev M. L.1,Pereverzev V. S.1


1. Priorov National Medical Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics

2. Research Center of Neurology

3. Scientific Research Institute – Ochapovsky Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1

4. Omsk State Medical University


Relevance. Surgical decompression and decompression with stabilization are highly effective for treatment of spinal canal stenosis at the level of lumbar spine. However, complications developing after application of rigid fixation systems resulted in active introduction of dynamic implants into clinical practice.Purpose of the study — to compare effectiveness of nitinol and titanium nails for lumbosacral fixation in surgical treatment of degenerative spine diseases.Materials and methods. 220 patients who underwent surgeries in 4 hospitals were randomized into two groups, each consisting of 110 patients (1:1 ratio): a group of patients who underwent stabilization of the vertebral motor segments with rods of nitinol with the required volume of decompression at the operation level and a group of patients who underwent stabilization of the vertebral motor segments with standard rods of titanium with the required volume of decompression at the intervention level. Patients suffered clinically significant spinal canal stenosis in one or two adjacent segments: from L3 to S1. Outcomes were evaluated during three years postoperatively by VAS scale for spine and lower limbs, and by ODI and SF-36 scales.Results. All scales demonstrated better values in both groups of patients, namely, significant decrease of pain syndrome and improvement in mental and physical health. X-ray examination of all patients during the study period demonstrated restoration of lumbar lordosis. Group of patients with dynamic nails featured less complications rate related to metal implants including adjacent segment disease.Conclusion. Transpedicular fixation of lumbosacral spine by nitinol nails is an effective technique allowing to preserve motion along with stable fixation.


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