The editorial comment evaluates the current state of issue of medical care at urgent states caused by pathological vertebral fractures and spinal cord compression in patients with spine destructive diseases. The rare occurrence of pathology and the deficiency of objective data determine the lack of consensus on the medical care for this category of patients. The article by M.A. Mushkin et al helps to understand how the prehospital pause affects the outcomes of emergency decompression and stabilization procedures in patients with tumor and infectious diseases of the spine, as well as to determine how much time the surgeon has at his disposal. The author of the comment believes that close cooperation of orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, oncologists is necessary to solve this problem. Even despite the absence of oncologists in the staff of emergency hospitals, telemedicine allows to receive methodological support in a timely manner for making a correct decision for each patient. Interaction between clinicians, radiologists and pathologists is equally important. An important aspect is continuity in patient care. An urgently performed spinal cord decompression is only a stage of the complex treatment. Such patients should be provided with accurate routing depending on the diagnosis and the treatment early outcome.