1. Federal State Budgetary Institution 'A. N. Bakulev National Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery' of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (A. N. Bakulev NRCCVS)
Introduction. A number of studies have found a reduction in the risk of rehospitalization during cardiorehabilitation after heart surgery. The purpose of the training program for cardiorehabilitation after cardiac surgery is to optimize energy supply systems. Depending on the intensity and duration of the load being performed, energy supply systems 'switch on' in the body.Purpose of the study: to study the effectiveness of the optimal cardiorehabilitation training program on the aerobic energy supply system in cardiac surgery patients.Materials and methods. In our study, we examined 47 patients who underwent aortic valve replacement under cardiopulmonary bypass, with an EC duration of 52±20.5 minutes. The patients were divided into two groups: the control group (n=23), who underwent a course of cardiorehabilitation on exercise bikes with constant aerobic training of moderate and medium intensity, at the age of 50.2±3.4 years, and the main group (n=24) – with a course of cardiorehabilitation on exercise bikes with aerobic high-intensity interval physical training, at the age of 51.2±2.8 years (p>0.05). Gender was not taken into account. Anaerobic training was carried out on SCHILLER exercise bikes from day 14 after aortic valve replacement. The load power ranged from 25 to 70–95 watts. Before cardiac rehabilitation, the level of lactate, glucose, pH, pCO2, pO2, BE, lipid profile, BNP in the blood before and after ergometric exercise, data on external respiration, heart rate and blood pressure were assessed. After the course of rehabilitation, the above parameters were evaluated. The duration of the course was 2 weeks. Results. When evaluating the indicators at the end of the course of cardiorehabilitation was being done, a significant decrease in the controlled parameters after training was observed in both groups, and largely in the group of high-intensity interval physical training than in the group of constant training of medium intensity.Conclusions. Analysis of the results showed that properly selected parameters of high-intensity interval training could optimize anaerobic glycolysis in patients undergoing operations under cardiopulmonary bypass, as well as increase the functionality of patients. As more and more repetitions of the load are performed, interval training becomes more and more aerobic.
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