1. "Medsi 2", Clinical Diagnostic Center MEDSI on Krasnaya Presnya
The most common cause of spinning vertigo is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Most cases are related to idiopathic BPPV, which pathogenesis is still not fully understood. In this manuscript the clinical case of recurrent benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is depicted. BPPV in this case was occurred primary in menopausal period. A clinical feature of this case is its combination not only with vitamin D deficiency and postmenopausal osteopenia (confirmed according to osteodensitometry), but also with secondary hyperparathyroidism, laboratory confirmed. The literature has accumulated data to link the development and recurrence of BPPV with vitamin D deficiency and osteoporosis, but few comprehensive studies of all crucial indicators of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in these patients have been published. Meanwhile, according to the author, a comprehensive endocrinological study of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in a patient with newly diagnosed BPPV can help optimize therapy for this category of patients.