Psychoemotional stress in review of ESC/ESH recommendations for treatment of hypertension (2018) and clinical trial results


Orlova N. V.1,Starokozheva A. Ya.2,Тимощенко А. В.1


1. Russian National Research Medical University n. a. N. I. Pirogov

2. Scientific and Clinical Centre of the Russian Railways Co.


Psychoemotional stress is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The ESC/ESH recommendations for the treatment of hypertension (2018) define psychological stress as a risk factor for hypertension. The basis of hypertension of the ‘white coat’ and masked hypertension are considered psychosocial factors. Stress causes early damage to target organs and uncontrolled blood pressure. The article discusses the mechanisms of formation of arterial hypertension under the influence of stress. On the example of clinical studies, the negative role of psycho-emotional stress in extreme professions is considered. The data of their own research on the effect of stress in locomotive drivers on the development of cardiovascular diseases are presented.


Alfmed LLC


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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