Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Prognostic Value of PET/CT


Ognerubov N. A.1,Antipova T. S.2


1. Tambov State University n. a. G. R. Derzhavin

2. PET-Technology Cо., Centre for Nuclear Medicine


Positron emission tomography combined with computer tomography (PET/CT) is considered as a noninvasive method for evaluation in lung cancer. SUVmax provides information on biological aggressiveness, key pathological features and potential of tumor spread. However, standardized and generally accepted criteria for determining malignant and benign lymph nodes do not exist, which is a common problem for molecular diagnostics physicians and generates clinical demand, since the standardization of these criteria has the potential to improve diagnostic accuracy, comparability between research and a general understanding by clinicians. To this end, we tried to determine the diagnostic accuracy of the maximum standardized absorption value (SUVmax) for mediastinal lymph nodes, compare the ability to predict mediastinal malignancy: SUVmax, the ratio of SUVmax l node to SUVmax of the primary tumor (SUVmaxN/SUVmaxT), and also SUVmaxN/SUVmaxT multiplied by maximum tumor diameter (SUV index).


Alfmed LLC


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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