Inflammatory complications due to mandibular body fractures. Analysis of the causes


Zlenko A. S.1ORCID,Kirpichnikov M. V.1ORCID,Yarygina E. N.1ORCID,Podolsky V. V.1ORCID,Simakova M. M.1ORCID,Serbin A. S.1,Aleshanov K. A.2,Bendeliani G. G.1ORCID,Proskurnova D. V.1ORCID


1. Volgograd State Medical University

2. Мedical dental center on Zelenogradskaya Co.


The aim of this research was to identify the factors that can further the development of infectious and inflammatory complications of a fractured mandible and search for ways to eliminate them. 643 medical histories of patients with mandibular fractures that received inpatient treatment in the maxillofacial surgery department in the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Volgograd region «The Regional Clinical Hospital №1» between January 2019 and December 2021 were studied. The results of retrospective analysis of the frequency rate and nature of inflammatory complications from 2019 to 2021 were presented. The relation was revealed between the frequency rate of inflammatory complications, the quality of medical services, the time people wait until seeking medical help, and also whether patients have chronic diseases, which could lead to metabolism disruptions, that can cause chronic endogenous intoxication, secondary immune deficiency and reparative regenerations disruptions. Recommendations were proposed about a more reasonable treatment plan and elimination of common mistakes during the stages of medical care, which could reduce the risk of inflammatory complications.


Alfmed LLC


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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