Stimulation of regenerative processes in the gums after curettage of the gums with diamond burs through the use of local wound-healing preparations


Proskokova S. V.1,Enikeev A. M.1ORCID,Kutuzov D. N.1,Vostrikov V. O.1,Kuliev R. M.1


1. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University


Relevance. Correcting periodontal and aesthetic problems associated with irrational previous fixed prosthetics is a difficulty faced by orthopedic dentists all over the world. One of the solutions at the moment is to use the idea of vertical preparation with further rational temporary and permanent prostheticsObjective. Assessment of symptoms in patients with vertical preparation, with mandatory curettage of the gums with a flame-shaped bur, receiving local therapy, including the use of the domestic drug Superlimf adhesive plates.Materials and methods. During the clinical study, a comparative analysis of the symptoms of gums traumatized during preparation was carried out in groups of patients with different treatment options. A total of 36 people took part in the study. The observation was carried out for 28 days.Results. It was found that groups of patients treated with Superlimf or Solcoseryl showed the best results in terms of increasing gum volume.Conclusion. Our data allows us to conclude that the use of additional medications such as Superlimf or Solcoseryl Dental can speed up the gum healing process in some patients, which is why it is possible to move to the stage of permanent prosthetics earlier.


Alfmed LLC

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