1. Stavropol State Medical University
2. City Clinical Emergency Hospital
3. Stavropol Region Clinical Hospital
Relevance. The treatment and prophylaxis of urolithiasis are one of the urgent problems of modern medicine. In Russia in recent decades a tendency to the increase in urolithiasis prevalence has been noted, and the incidence of urolithiasis varies in different regions. This may be due to lifestyle features and chemical composition of water in different regions of the country.The aim of the study. To analyze the chemical composition of concrements in patients treated for urolithiasis in the Stavropol Region.Methods. Using infrared (IR) spectroscopy 565 concrements were studied. Analysis of the obtained data showed that calcium-oxalate stones were the most common (72.80 %), followed by urate stones (19.40 %) and then phosphate stones (6.09 %). Cystine (0.70 %) and xanthine type stones (0.17 %) are the least common.Conclusions. The preventive measures aimed at restriction of the consumption of food containing high oxalates and purines, as well as use of water low in calcium and with alkaline reaction will decrease the incidence of urolithiasis at the regional level.
Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry
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