Morphologic alterations in the mucosa of the denture site in patients with full removable dentures from acrylic plastics


Peremyshlenko A. S.1,Iordanishvili A. K.2,Bedelov N. N.3ORCID,Kerimkhanov K. A.3ORCID


1. International Academy of Ecology, Man and Nature Safety Sciences (IANES); St. Luke’s Clinical Hospital

2. International Academy of Ecology, Man and Nature Safety Sciences (IANES); S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy Defense Ministry of Russia

3. International Academy of Ecology, Man and Nature Safety Sciences (IANES); MedIs


Relevance. Currently, many new agents have appeared on the market for users of removable dentures to improve adhesion, i.e. fixation and stabilization of dentures. It is important to evaluate the effect of such agents on the denture bed mucosa.Objective. Morphological substantiation of the effectiveness of the use of adhesive cream for fixation of prostheses Asepta Рarodontalu patients with removable dentures made of acrylic plastic.Materials and methods. The study involved 49 patients (12 men and 37 women) of elderly age (62–75 years) who suffered complete loss of teeth on both jaws. All patients were divided into 3 study groups: 1 (control) group, who had previously refused to have full removable acrylic dentures made for them; 2 (comparison) group, patients to whom removable acrylic dentures were made and who did not use any means to improvetheir fixation; 3 (main) group, patients to whom full removable acrylic dentures were made and who during the adaptation period and subsequently for a year used a domestic adhesive cream for fixation; 3 (main) group, patients to whom full removable acrylic dentures were made. In order to solve the realization of the set goal of the study, a number of clinical and histological studies with the use of immunohistochemical method were carried out, outpatient charts of dental patients were analyzed.Results. It was found that dystrophic and chronic inflammatory changes in the soft tissues of the denture bed were most pronounced in the case of using dentures without means to improve their fixation. At use of domestic adhesive cream for fixation of dentures Asepta Рarodontal the process of keratinization of the oral mucous membrane epithelium was minimal, there was no fibrosis of the own lamina of the mucous membrane, scattered infiltration was less expressed than in people not using acrylic dentures or using them without adhesive means, and was represented at the expense of lymphocytes, single neutrophilic granulocytes on the background of single leukostases. The immunohistochemical study showed that T-lymphocytes and mast cells were predominant in the preparations of group 2 patients, and they appeared in the preparations of this group of patients comparatively more than in the 1st control and 3rd main groups of the study, which confirmed the presence of the most pronounced chronic inflammatory infiltration in group 2 patients.Conclusion. The most optimal condition of the denture bed mucosa was observed in patients who used removable acrylic dentures for a year and simultaneously applied an adhesive agent for their fixation (domestic adhesive cream for denture fixation Asepta Рarodontal). It is obviously connected with the protection of the mucous membrane of the prosthetic bed by the adhesive cream from the mechanical impact of a dense acrylic plastic prosthesis, as well as with the reduction of contact with food products aggressive in temperature and structure.


Alfmed LLC


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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