1. Samara State Medical University
The review considers questions about the place of laboratory diagnostics in preventive medicine, in particular, about the possibilities of using laboratory methods in controlling the vaccination of infections with an aerosol transmission mechanism (measles, rubella, mumps, chickenpox, influenza, pneumococcal infection, pertussis, diphtheria, COVID-19). The article highlights the main laboratory methods of seromonitoring (enzyme immunoassay, radial hemolysis reaction in gel, dot-immunoassay, antibody avidity determination, hemagglutination inhibition reaction, microneutralization reaction, FAMA, plaque suppression reaction), their advantages and disadvantages. Also presented a block of data on alternative biomarkers (enzymes, lipids, trace elements, hormones, etc.). which serve as potential predictors of vaccination efficacy. The search for new biomarkers of the effectiveness of the formation of post-vaccination immunity opens up new possibilities for predicting the effectiveness of vaccination, which makes their study a promising direction in the field of vaccinology and laboratory immunology.
Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry
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