Drug-induced hypophosphatemia


Ostroumova O. D.1,Bliznyuk S. A.2,Kochetkov A. I.3,Komarovа A. G.2


1. Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Medical Education of the Russian Ministry of Health

2. S. P. Botkin City Clinical Hospital of the Moscow Department of Health

3. Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Medical Education of the Russian Ministry of Health


Hypophosphatemia (GF) is defined as a decrease in the level of inorganic phosphorus in the blood serum below 2.5 mg/dl (0.81 mmol/L). One of the reasons for the development of GF can be the use of a number of medications: diuretics, some antibacterial drugs, insulin, antacids, glucose solutions for parenteral administration, antitumor drugs. The true prevalence of drug-induced (DI) HB is unknown, because the phosphate level is not evaluated routinely, but only when GF is suspected. The most common mechanism for the development of DI GF is an increase in the excretion of phosphates by the kidneys. In most cases, DI GF is asymptomatic and regresses after discontinuation of the inducer drug. To compensate for the phosphate deficiency, non-drug methods (diet) and pharmacotherapy are used. Prevention of DI GF involves avoiding the use of drugs, the reception of which is associated with the development of DI GF, especially in patients at risk of developing GF.


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