Biological notes of bone grafting in oral surgery


Polupan P. V.1ORCID,Sipkin A. M.2ORCID,Bondarenko E. V.3ORCID


1. Moscow Region Research Clinical Institute (MONIKI) n.a. M.F.Vladimirsk; Moscow Region Dental Clinic

2. Moscow Region Research Clinical Institute (MONIKI) n.a. M.F.Vladimirsk

3. Moscow Region Research Clinical Institute (MONIKI) n.a. M.F.Vladimirsk; National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology


Introduction: the article presents the results of the outcomes analysis of bone grafting for dental implants, review some technical and biological factors that caused the success in this oral surgery. Also describes the different types of the maxillary sinus floor, «micro-window» technique for sinus-lifting and local bone modifying. This current aims to evaluate clinical outcomes after various bone grafting techniques for dental implan-tation, as well as to analyze the biological success factors of these surgery.Materials and methods: 134 bone grafting surgeries were performed - 23 men and 73 women. The patients were divided into 4 groups according to the methods: Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR); Bone Block (BB) transplantation; micro-window Sinus-lifting (mwSL); Local Bone Modifying (LBM).Results: The operations of the GBR and BB together showed an unsuccessful result in 72.36% of cases, while the bad outcomes of the mwSL and LBM operations were 7.7%. The better results were in groups with mwSL (success in 97.5%) and LBM surgery (87.1%).Conclusion: This demonstrates the clinical importance and effectiveness of various bone grafting methods. GBR and BB are less predictable in success, in contrast to mwSL and LBM, which we recommend. However, the factors affect the success of this surgery require further study.


Alfmed LLC


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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1. The results of using various methods of bone grafting in the oral cavity. Local bone modeling.;Stomatology for All / International Dental review;2022-03-22







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