Assessment of personnel’s contribution to laboratory costs


Konyukhova K. A.1,Vavilova T. V.2,Rasteryaeva E. V.1,Berestovskaya V. S.2


1. Centre for Specialized Medical Care n. a. V. P. Avaev

2. National Medical Research Centre n. a. V. A. Almazov


In recent decades, healthcare has faced the challenge of providing quality care with limited funding. Due to the fact that medical laboratories widely use modern technological solutions, assessing the profitability of the laboratory as a whole and the contribution of each type of cost to measurement are relevant. The direct costs of the test are mainly generated by the costs of reagents and personnel. The high level of automation in large laboratory centres allows increasing the technological efficiency of equipment and significantly reducing the contribution of personnel to doing research. Innovative technology solutions shift the role of the laboratory physician from performing measurement to managing laboratory processes, quality assurance, and medical advice.


Alfmed LLC


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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